1.                     Opener            Responder

                        1C                   1D



1a.  How many points does opener have?        >                   <

1b.  How many diamonds does opener have?    >                    <           

1c.  How many clubs does opener have?         >               <

1d.  What possible distributions does opener have?    >                                                                <

2.                     Opener            Responder

                        1C                   1D


2a.  What would opener bid with 2-2-4-5 distribution and 13 points?  >                   <

2b.  What would opener bid with 1-3-4-5 or 3-1-4-5 distribution and 13 points?

            >                           <                


3.                     Opener            Responder

                        1C                   1D

                        2D                   2H



3a.  What would opener bid with a 2-2-4-5 hand?       >                    <

3b.  What would opener bid with a 3-1-4-5 hand?      >                     <

3c.  What is the reason for opener’s bids in 3a and 3b?          >                                        <

Opener has Clubs and Diamonds (p. 1 of 2)