1. Opener Responder
1C 1D
1a. How many points does opener have? >12+ points<
1b. How many diamonds does opener have? >4 diamonds<
1c. How many clubs does opener have? >5 clubs<
1d. What possible distributions does opener have? >Opener must have 4 diamonds and 5 clubs with the remaining 4 cards in the majors. With 6+ clubs opener would re-bid clubs before showing the diamond suit. If opener was 5-5 in diamonds and clubs, opener would open 1 diamond rather than 1 club. Furthermore, opener must have at least one card in each major. Otherwise, opener would have either 4 spades or 4 hearts with a void in the other major and would bid the major before bidding 2 diamonds. Therefore, opener's distribution must be either 1-3-4-5, 3-1-4-5, or 2-2-4-5.<
2. Opener Responder
1C 1D
2a. What would opener bid with 2-2-4-5 distribution and 13 points? >1 no trump<
2b. What would opener bid with 1-3-4-5 or 3-1-4-5 distribution and 13 points? >2 diamonds<
3. Opener Responder
1C 1D
2D 2H
3a. What would opener bid with a 2-2-4-5 hand? >2 no trump<
3b. What would opener bid with a 3-1-4-5 hand? >3 spades<
3c. What is the reason for opener’s bids in 3a and 3b? >If responder has 5 spades and 5 hearts, opener wants to show 3 spades in 3b. If responder is 6-5 in the majors, opener wants to show 2 spades in 3a and 3 spades in 3b.<
Opener has Clubs and Diamonds (p. 1 of 2, Answers)